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Geri & Svilen Wedding Trailer

Geri & Svilen. Oh, what a wedding day theirs was! This was by far one of our most memorable and fun weddings because of the crazy and awesome couple that these two are and all of their equally awesome friends, if we are allowed to use this language.

It is easily distinguishable in the video that it was all very spirited, positive and emotional throughout the whole wedding day, start to finish, and there was an abundance of smiles and laughter. Like every wedding day, there were small setbacks in some steps of the process, but the newlyweds handled everything fiercely and with a firm and indestructible smile on their faces.

Technically, everything was handled quickly and with the least amount of takes possible because the whole organisation of the events was top notch and we had no difficulties captruing the important moments without any distractions. In addition, we were working on this video with two familiar photographers, who are friends of ours, so we had good understanding of each other’s actions and we did not stay in each other’s way during the important moments, which is sometimes a serious problem for many photo/video crews out there, who do not usually work together or know each other.

All in all, it was a beautiful and emotional wedding, which we hope we managed to represent well by the trailer we made. You be the judge!