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Detski Kut Varna

Detski Kut Varna. Ahh, what a tough one.

This is an amusement park in the heart of Varna’s popular Sea Garden with attractions suitable for little children and adults alike.

So, we had a day to shoot a promotional video on location. However, the weather didn’t agree. Every time we started shooting, it was no more than 30 minutes and pouring rain started falling from the sky. This happened 2 or 3 times in a row, so naturally, it turned out to be a very difficult task, as you can imagine an amusement park wouldn’t be so amusing when it’s all wet and people are scarce. We also had another shooting planned in Varna and we had no time to lose.

However, we did our best, worked at 200% and with a little assistance from the weather in the very last minute, we managed to clear the two locations in time, without needing to spend an extra night there, which would have made things more complicated for everyone.

Disregard that and the whole experience was awesome, because this is a beautiful location and, can you imagine, we didn’t even know it existed at the time! See the video for yourself and if you happen to visit Varna soon, make sure to use Varna City Card and enjoy some amazing discounts when visiting Detski Kut. It’s definitely worth it!