Виргиния и Илиян, Сватбен Трейлър

Virginia & Ilian Wedding Trailer Contact us now!
Мери и Руфат, Сватбен Трейлър

Meri & Rufat Wedding Trailer Meri & Rufat’s wedding day was a very romantic and emotional one, both for the couple (obviously) and for us. The photogenic couple made our job a whole lot easier, as every pose was a great one and we had an abundance of shots to choose from when editing this […]
Филипина и Златан, Сватбен трейлър

Filipina & Zlatan Wedding Trailer Filipina & Zlatan’s wedding day was a beautiful one, considering factors from the couple itself, through to the choice of the restaurant and other locations. However, this was a logistically very complicated day for us, because due to the fact that the bride, groom and best man had different bithplaces, […]
Гери и Свилен, Сватбен Трейлър

Geri & Svilen Wedding Trailer Geri & Svilen. Oh, what a wedding day theirs was! This was by far one of our most memorable and fun weddings because of the crazy and awesome couple that these two are and all of their equally awesome friends, if we are allowed to use this language. It is […]